Discover How ParcelShield Protector Helps Reduce Shipping Delays & Lower Pharmacy Operating Costs

Specialty pharmacies are managing high-cost, high-touch medication for their patients, every day. We understand that the patient comes first. ParcelShield Protector identifies at-risk medical packages across the shipping journey in real-time. Discover how we can help you to deliver patient medication on time and to the correct location. 

"Visibility is required to track and monitor the entire parcel journey until it is delivered to the correct address and to the patient on time. If there is a delay or the package is at risk, proactive intervention may be required to ensure on-time delivery." Bryan Ball, Vice President and Group Director, Aberdeen Strategy & Research.

ParcelShield Protector provides:

  • Automated alerts and notifications to eliminate delivery delays
  • Proactive patient communication at every step to reduce WISMO (Where Is My Order)
  • Carrier analysis to improve delivery schedule and avoid repeated reships

Take the first step towards a better patient experience while reducing reships and lower pharmacy operating costs.

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